Within the framework of the 18th international scientific conference “Sakharov readings 2018: environmental problems of the XXI century”, a meeting of the International Board of Trustees was held. In the composition of:
G. anachkov-Deputy Chairman of the International Board of Trustees, Director of the Department of biology and ecology of the University of Novi Sad (Republic of Serbia);
Gaisenok V. A. – Deputy Chairman of the International Board of Trustees, rector of the Republican Institute of higher education (Republic of Belarus);
Buda V.-Professor, Director of the nature research center (Republic of Lithuania), (participation via Skype);
Dardynskaya I. V.-Director of the maternal and child health Department of the Great lakes world health Center, co-Director of the Fogarty program at the University of Illinois in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova (United States of America), (participation via Skype);
Demirak A.-Professor of Mugla University (Republic of Turkey);
A. K. Karabanov-academician, Director Of the Institute of nature management of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
(Republic of Belarus);
Korovin Yu. a – – head of the Department of General and special physics of The national research nuclear University “MEPhI “(NRU MEPhI) Obninsk Institute of atomic energy (IATE) (Russian Federation), (participation via Skype);
Langfelder E. – Chairman of the Board of the Otto hug Radiological Institute for health and the environment (Federal Republic of Germany);
Liberatos G.-Professor at the National technical University of Athens (Republic of Greece), (participation via Skype);
Linev V. N.-General Director of The research and production private unitary enterprise “ADANI” (Republic of Belarus);
S. N. Lukashenko – head of the branch Of the Institute of radiation safety and ecology of the National nuclear center of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Republic of Kazakhstan);
K. Frenzel-Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Otto hug Radiological Institute for health and environment (Federal Republic of Germany);
M. V. frontasyeva – head of the neutron activation analysis and applied research sector of the I. M. Frank laboratory of neutron physics, joint Institute for nuclear research (Russian Federation);
K. hipponen-President of the Baltic sea region University Network (Republic of Finland);
Agenda of the meeting:
- Information on the activities of the ISEI BSU state economic Institute in the 2017/2018 academic year.
- Review of the results of the work of the International Board of Trustees for the 2017/2018 academic year.
- Formation of a new composition of the International Board of Trustees.
- Election of the Chairman of the International Board of Trustees and his deputies.
- Discussion of priority areas of development and approval of the work plan of the International Board of Trustees for the 2018/2019 academic year.
During the meeting, the results of the work of the Institute and the International Board of Trustees for the 2017/2018 academic year were summed up. A new composition of the International Board of Trustees was formed, the Chairman was elected and his deputies were approved. Priority areas for developing international relations and improving the material and technical base of the Institute were identified, and the work Plan of the International Board of Trustees for the 2018/2019 academic year was discussed.