As part of the 19th international scientific conference “Sakharov readings 2019: environmental problems of the XXI century”, a meeting of the International Board of Trustees was held. In the composition of:
- Professor Mirko BARZ, Berlin Higher school of engineering and Economics, Federal Republic of Germany;
- Professor Philippe BEAUVAIS, honorary doctor of the ISEI BSU, Paris Institute of technology for life Sciences, food and environment, French Republic;
- Dr. Rainer GLAUSCH, honorary doctor of the ISEI BSU, General Director of HLD-Umwelt GmbH, Federal Republic of Germany;
- Dr. Mikhail Vladimirovich BELEVTSEV, Russian research center of pediatric Oncology, Hematology and immunology, Republic of Belarus
- Dr. Valery A. KOZHEMYAKIN, research and production unitary enterprise Atomtech, Republic of Belarus;
- Professor Vladimir Nikolaevich LINEV, research and production private unitary enterprise “ADANI”, Republic of Belarus;
- academician, Professor Mikhail Yefimovich NIKIFOROV, national Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Republic of Belarus;
- Dr. Marina V. FRONTASYEVA, joint Institute for nuclear research, Russian Federation;
- Professor Yuri A. KOROVIN, Obninsk Institute of atomic energy, Russian Federation (participation via Skype);
- Dr. Irina Vladimirovna DARDYNSKAYA, world health center “Great lakes”, United States of America (participation via Skype);
- Dr. Kari HYPPYNEN, Baltic sea region University Network, Republic of Finland (participation via Skype);
- Marina Vladimirovna BOROVKO, unitary enterprise “Coca-Cola beverages Belarus”, Republic of Belarus.
Agenda of the meeting:
- Results of the 2018-2019 academic year.
- Information about the joint international project “Sustainable energy use of agricultural waste: improving the technical, technological, economic and environmental potential of biogas plants in the Republic of Belarus”.
- On the discussion of the work Plan of the International Board of Trustees for the 2019-2020 academic year.
Priority areas of activity for the international Board of Trustees were identified and the work Plan of the International Board of Trustees for the 2019/2020 academic year was discussed.
Sergey Aleksandrovich Maskevich thanked all participants of the meeting of the International Board of Trustees for their fruitful work and expressed hope for active cooperation in the future.